“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
- Dr Wayne Dyer
Why Hypnotherapy?
If you have an emotional or psychological problem, a bad habit you can't break, or just want to feel better about yourself, hypnotherapy can help you make the
desired changes, no matter what the condition.
It's a perfectly safe and natural way of using our own internal resources. We can reorganise our thoughts and behaviours to enable beneficial change for mind and body. Unlike many drugs, there are absolutely no side effects. We have the power within us!
So how does it work?
Hypnosis works by relaxing and changing our state of consciousness. The analytical left-hand side of the brain (conscious mind) is turned off, while the non-analytical right-hand side (subconscious) is made more alert. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper-seated, place of storage and retention, this is the part of the brain which has to change for our behaviours and/or physical states to alter. Discover more about the Subsconscious Mind
For example, someone who consciously wants to overcome their fear of spiders may try everything they can to overcome it, but will probably still fail as long as their subconscious mind retains the learnt behaviour of terror or danger. A simple reprogramming of the subconscious mind allows us to abolish or amend deep-seated instincts and beliefs.
The most important thing is that the client wants to change some behavioural habit, addiction or condition and is highly motivated to do so. You must want the
treatment to work and there must be a good rapport between client and therapist in order for it to do so.
The client cannot be made to do anything they would not ordinarily do. You will remain fully aware of the surroundings and situation, and are not vulnerable to every given command of the hypnotherapist.
Why choose Maskellsmindmatters Hypnotherapy?
What is appropriate for one person, may be completely wrong for another with a similar condition. We believe it is very important to ensure that the therapy
fits with the client's personality. In other words, we treats the individuak rather than just the problem.
Contact us today